Mission Statement
It is our mission to Bridge the Gap between families coping with pediatric terminal illness (PTI), the hospitals that care for them, and their local community resources that can provide direct services to them.
Our vision is to Shine the light in the darkness and positively transform the way families and communities fight pediatric terminal illness in the future.
Short Term Goals
MDI's Short-Term Business Goals Include:
- Providing families with our book Crash Coarse 101,
- Pursue 2 Patents
MDI app for our Make ’em Smile Program
Provide a Specialty Hospital Clothing Line - Create Research Program to Establish Viability of Program
Long Term Goals
MDI's Long-Term Goals Includes:
- Partner with National Leukemia Lymphoma Society to Help Facilitate Education for our School Administration and Staff.
- Hosting The Back Nine Retreat
- Provide Donate Your Steps Program
Within 3 years, MDI's Make ’em Smile Program has provided resources to families locally and nationwide. Our research has lead us to create an App which will steam line the process to better assist hospital staff while locating resources within the family's community.
Our progress toward the children’s hospital clothing line has yielded a positive patent search which has lead us toseek our patent pending status.
Our book “CRASH COARSE 101” imparts valuable information (from one ChemoMom to another) designed to help families navigate the chaos caused by a cancer diagnosis.
Crash Coarse 101 is intended to shine a light in the darkness for families walking through the door of childhood cancer. Our mission is to help families navigate this new life they have encountered; teaching them to rise to the challenge with a better understanding of the chaos a cancer diagnosis can cause. Families need to know they are not alone.
Make ‘em Smile
What if the only thing they have to worry about is getting BETTER!
Studies have shown specialty doctors and hospital staff providing critical care for loved ones understand all too well the crisis their patients and families face. Unfortunately, the terminal illness rate is on the rise across the nation; leaving our hospitals over budgeted and understaffed.
MDI’s Make 'em Smile App facilitates communication between families coping with Pediatric Terminal Illness (PTI), the hospitals that care for them, and their local community resources that provide direct services to them.
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